Friday, 1 May 2009


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mano cantik nyaa

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Jaksa Agung Ancam Mutasikan Jaksa di DKI

Hendarman Supandji

Jakarta - Jaksa Agung Hendarman Supandji mengancam memutasikan jaksa yang sudah berdinas antara dua sampai tiga tahun di Jakarta, sebagai buntut dari keterlibatan dua jaksa, Esther Tanak dan Dara Veranita yang menjual barang bukti narkoba.

"Minggu depan, akan dikumpulkan semua jaksa (di Jakarta) yang sudah dua sampai tiga tahun bekerja. Saya akan tanya kinerjanya bagaimana, kalau tidak akan saya pindahkan," katanya di Jakarta, Jumat (3/4).

Dua jaksa Kejaksaan Negeri Jakarta Utara --Esther dan Dara-- ditetapkan sebagai tersangka oleh kepolisian karena tersandung kasus peredaran narkotika jenis ekstasi.

Hendarman juga memerintahkan Kejaksaan Tinggi DKI Jakarta mengevaluasi kinerja Kepala Seksi Pidana Umum (Kasie Pidum) Jakarta Utara karena barang bukti 343 ekstasi sampai bisa dipegang Esther.

Ia mengaku, dari hasil inspeksi mendadak ke Kejaksaan Negeri Jakarta Utara, telah menanyakan kepada Kasie Pidum bagaimana barang bukti disimpan. Kasie Pidum mengaku sudah menegur Jaksa Esther, namun Esther melawannya.

"Saya lihat (kasie pidum) ewuh pekewuhnya tinggi sehingga kontrolnya lemah," katanya.

Sebelumnya, kejaksaan mengaku ada kelalaian dalam penyimpanan barang bukti narkotika di Kejaksaan Negeri Jakarta Utara berkaitan dengan kasus dua jaksa yang menjadi tersangka peredaran ekstasi. [*/dil]

Campaign against the left and right opposition

the day in history, april 3, 2009
On April 3, 1922, Stalin was made general secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), a post that he subsequently built up into the most powerful in the country. It has been claimed that he initially attempted to decline accepting the post, but was refused. This position was seen to be a minor one within the party (Stalin was sometimes referred to as "Comrade Card-Index" by fellow party members) but, when coupled with leadership over the Orgburo, actually had potential as a power base as it allowed Stalin to fill the party with his allies. After Lenin's death in January 1924, Stalin, Kamenev, and Zinoviev together governed the party, placing themselves ideologically between Trotsky (on the left wing of the party) and Bukharin (on the right). During this period, Stalin abandoned the traditional Bolshevik emphasis on international revolution in favor of a policy of building "Socialism in One Country", in contrast to Trotsky's theory of Permanent Revolution.

In the struggle for leadership one thing was evident: whoever ended up ruling the party had to be considered very loyal to Lenin. Stalin organized Lenin's funeral and made a speech professing undying loyalty to Lenin, in almost religious terms .

For more about Stalin's relationship with Lenin, a post Soviet extract of Lenin's sister.[17][18]

He undermined Trotsky, who was sick at the time, possibly by misleading him about the date of the funeral . Thus although Trotsky was Lenin’s associate throughout the early days of the Soviet regime, he lost ground to Stalin. Stalin made great play of the fact that Trotsky had joined the Bolsheviks just before the revolution, and publicized Trotsky's pre-revolutionary disagreements with Lenin . Another event that helped Stalin's rise was the fact that Trotsky came out against publication of Lenin's Testament in which he pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of Stalin and Trotsky and the other main players, and suggested that he be succeeded by a small group of people .

An important feature of Stalin’s rise to power is the way that he manipulated his opponents and played them off against each other . Stalin formed a "troika" of himself, Zinoviev, and Kamenev against Trotsky. When Trotsky had been eliminated, Stalin then joined Bukharin and Rykov against Zinoviev and Kamenev, emphasising their vote against the insurrection in 1917 . Zinoviev and Kamenev then turned to Lenin's widow, Krupskaya; they formed the "United Opposition" in July 1926.

In 1927 during the 15th Party Congress Trotsky and Zinoviev were expelled from the party and Kamenev lost his seat on the Central Committee. Stalin soon turned against the "Right Opposition", represented by his erstwhile allies, Bukharin and Rykov .

Stalin gained popular appeal from his presentation as a 'man of the people' from the poorer classes . The Russian people were tired from the world war and the civil war, and Stalin's policy of concentrating in building "Socialism in One Country" was seen as an optimistic antidote to war .

Stalin took great advantage of the ban on factionalism which meant that no group could openly go against the policies of the leader of the party because that meant creation of an opposition . By 1928 (the first year of the Five-Year Plans) Stalin was supreme among the leadership, and the following year Trotsky was exiled because of his opposition. Having also outmaneuvered Bukharin's Right Opposition and now advocating collectivization and industrialization, Stalin can be said to have exercised control over the party and the country.

However, as the popularity of other leaders such as Sergei Kirov and the so-called Ryutin Affair were to demonstrate, Stalin did not achieve absolute power until the Great Purge of 1936–1938.

Soviet secret service and intelligence

Stalin vastly increased the scope and power of the state's secret police and intelligence agencies. Under his guiding hand, Soviet intelligence forces began to set up intelligence networks in most of the major nations of the world, including Germany (the famous Rote Kappelle spy ring), Great Britain, France, Japan, and the United States. Stalin saw no difference between espionage, communist political propaganda actions, and state-sanctioned violence , and he began to integrate all of these activities within the NKVD. Stalin made considerable use of the Communist International movement in order to infiltrate agents and to ensure that foreign Communist parties remained pro-Soviet and pro-Stalin .

One of the best early examples of Stalin's ability to integrate secret police and foreign espionage came in 1940, when he gave approval to the secret police to have Leon Trotsky assassinated in Mexico.[19]

Stalin and changes in Soviet society


Main articles: History of the Soviet Union (1927-1953)#Stalinist development and Industrialization of the USSR

The Russian Civil War and wartime communism had a devastating effect on the country's economy. Industrial output in 1922 was 13% of that in 1914. A recovery followed under the New Economic Policy, which allowed a degree of market flexibility within the context of socialism.

Under Stalin's direction, this was replaced by a system of centrally ordained "Five-Year Plans" in the late 1920s. These called for a highly ambitious program of state-guided crash industrialization and the collectivization of agriculture.

With seed capital unavailable because of international reaction to Communist policies, little international trade, and virtually no modern infrastructure, Stalin's government financed industrialization both by restraining consumption on the part of ordinary Soviet citizens to ensure that capital went for re-investment into industry, and by ruthless extraction of wealth from the kulaks.

In 1933 workers' real earnings sank to about one-tenth of the 1926 level. Common and political prisoners in labor camps were forced to do unpaid labor, and communists and Komsomol members were frequently "mobilized" for various construction projects. The Soviet Union used foreign experts, e.g. British engineer Stephen Adams, to instruct their workers and improve their manufacturing processes.

In spite of early breakdowns and failures, the first two Five-Year Plans achieved rapid industrialization from a very low economic base. While it is generally agreed that the Soviet Union achieved significant levels of economic growth under Stalin, the precise rate of growth is disputed. What is not disputed is that these gains were accomplished at the cost of millions of lives.

Official Soviet estimates stated the annual rate of growth at 13.9%; Russian and Western estimates gave lower figures of 5.8% and even 2.9%. Indeed, one estimate is that Soviet growth became temporarily much higher after Stalin's death.[1] [2]

According to Robert Lewis the Five-Year Plan substantially helped to modernize the previously backward Soviet economy. New products were developed, and the scale and efficiency of existing production greatly increased. Some innovations were based on indigenous technical developments, others on imported foreign technology.[20]


Joseph Stalin.

Stalin's regime moved to force collectivization of agriculture. This was intended to increase agricultural output from large-scale mechanized farms, to bring the peasantry under more direct political control, and to make tax collection more efficient. Collectivization meant drastic social changes, on a scale not seen since the abolition of serfdom in 1861, and from control of the land and its produce. Collectivization also meant a drastic drop in living standards for many peasants, and it faced violent reaction among the peasantry.

In the first years of collectivization it was estimated that industrial production would rise by 200% and and agricultural production by 50%[21], but these estimates were not met. Stalin blamed this unanticipated failure on kulaks (rich peasants), who resisted collectivization. (However, kulaks proper made up only 4% of the peasant population; the "kulaks" that Stalin targeted included the slightly better-off peasants who took the brunt of violence from the OGPU and the Komsomol. These peasants were about 60% of the population). Those officially defined as "kulaks," "kulak helpers," and later "ex-kulaks" were to be shot, placed into Gulag labor camps, or deported to remote areas of the country, depending on the charge.

The two-stage progress of collectivization—interrupted for a year by Stalin's famous editorial, "Dizzy with success" (Pravda, March 2, 1930), and "Reply to Collective Farm Comrades" (Pravda, April 3, 1930)—is a prime example of his capacity for tactical political withdrawal followed by intensification of initial strategies.

Many historians assert that the disruption caused by collectivization was largely responsible for major famines.

The 1932-1933 famine in Ukraine and the Kuban regions has been termed the Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор).
Enlarge picture
Entering Gulag (a leaf from Eufrosinia Kersnovskaya's notebook)
According to Alan Bullock, "the total Soviet grain crop was no worse than that of 1931 … it was not a crop failure but the excessive demands of the state, ruthlessly enforced, that cost the lives of as many as five million Ukrainian peasants." Stalin refused to release large grain reserves that could have alleviated the famine, while continuing to export grain; he was convinced that the Ukrainian peasants had hidden grain away, and strictly enforced draconian new collective-farm theft laws in response.[22][23]

Other historians hold that it was largely the insufficient harvests of 1931 and 1932 caused by a variety of natural disasters that resulted in famine, with the successful harvest of 1933 ending the famine.[24]

Famine affected other parts of the USSR. The death toll from famine in the Soviet Union at this time is estimated at between five and ten million people. The worst crop failure of late tsarist Russia, in 1892, had caused 375,000 to 400,000 deaths.)[25]

Soviet and other historians have argued that the rapid collectivization of agriculture was necessary in order to achieve an equally rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union and ultimately win World War II. This is disputed by other historians; Alec Nove claims that the Soviet Union industrialized in spite of, rather than because of, its collectivized agriculture.


Main articles: Science and technology in the Soviet Union, Suppressed research in the Soviet Union, Lysenkoism

Science in the Soviet Union was under strict ideological control by Stalin and his government, along with art and literature. There was significant progress in "ideologically safe" domains, owing to the free Soviet education system and state-financed research. However, in several cases the consequences of ideological pressure were dramatic—the most notable examples being the "bourgeois pseudosciences" genetics and cybernetics.

In the late 40's, some areas of physics, especially quantum mechanics but also special and general relativity, were also criticized on grounds of "idealism". Soviet physicists, such as K. V. Nikolskij and D. Blokhintzev, developed a version of the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics, which was seen as more adhering to the principles of dialectical materialism.[26][27] However, although initially planned,[28] this process did not go as far as defining an "ideologically correct" version of physics and purging those scientists who refused to conform to it, because this was recognized as potentially too harmful to the Soviet nuclear program.

Linguistics was the only area of Soviet academic thought to which Stalin personally and directly contributed. At the beginning of Stalin's rule, the dominant figure in Soviet linguistics was Nikolai Yakovlevich Marr, who argued that language is a class construction and that language structure is determined by the economic structure of society. Stalin, who had previously written about language policy as People's Commissar for Nationalities, read a letter by Arnold Chikobava criticizing the theory. He "summoned Chikobava to a dinner that lasted from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. taking notes diligently."[29] In this way he grasped enough of the underlying issues to coherently oppose this simplistic Marxist formalism, ending Marr's ideological dominance over Soviet linguistics. Stalin's principal work discussing linguistics in a small essay, "Marxism and Linguistic Questions."[30]

Although no great theoretical contributions or insights came from it, neither were there any apparent errors in Stalin's understanding of linguistics; his influence arguably relieved Soviet linguistics from the sort of ideologically driven theory that dominated genetics.

Scientific research was hindered by the fact that many scientists were sent to labor camps (including Lev Landau, later a Nobel Prize winner, who spent a year in prison in 1938–1939) or executed (e.g. Lev Shubnikov, shot in 1937). They were persecuted for their dissident views, not for their research. Nevertheless, much progress was made under Stalin in some areas of science and technology. It laid the ground for the famous achievements of Soviet science in the 1950s, such as the development of the BESM-1 computer in 1953 and the launching of Sputnik in 1957.

Indeed, many politicians in the United States expressed a fear, after the "Sputnik crisis," that their country had been eclipsed by the Soviet Union in science and in public education.

Social services

Main article: Soviet democracy
Under the Soviet government people benefited from some social liberalization. Girls were given an adequate, equal education and women had equal rights in employment , improving lives for women and families. Stalinist development also contributed to advances in health care, which significantly increased the lifespan and quality of life of the typical Soviet citizen. Stalin's policies granted the Soviet people universal access to healthcare and education, effectively creating the first generation free from the fear of typhus, cholera, and malaria . The occurrences of these diseases dropped to record low numbers, increasing life spans by decades .

Soviet women under Stalin were the first generation of women able to give birth in the safety of a hospital, with access to prenatal care . Education improved. Millions benefitted from mass literacy campaigns in the 1930s, and from workers training schemes[31]. Engineers were sent abroad to learn industrial technology, and hundreds of foreign engineers were brought to Russia on contract . Transport links were improved and many new railways built. Workers who exceeded their quotas, Stakhanovites, received many incentives for their work [32]; they could afford to buy the goods that were mass-produced by the rapidly expanding Soviet economy.

The increase in demand due to industrialization and the decrease in the workforce due to World War II and repressions generated a major expansion in job opportunities for the survivors, especially for women [33].

Madonna appeals against Malawi adoption ruling

Madonna renews bid to adopt second child from Malawi after judge rejects application
U.S. pop star Madonna and her daughter Lourdes visit a school she financed in Namitete

Madonna has been criticised over her plans to adopt Mercy James, aged four Photograph: Antony Njuguna/REUTERS

Madonna has appealed against a court ruling preventing her from adopting a second child from Malawi, her lawyer said today.

"I just filed the notice of appeal this afternoon on instructions from my client," Alan Chinula told Reuters.

Earlier, a Malawian court ruled that Madonna may not adopt three-year-old Chifundo "Mercy" James because of a requirement that prospective parents live in the country for 18 to 24 months. The judge said that allowing Madonna to circumvent the rules would leave children vulnerable to trafficking.

"There's a gripping temptation to throw caution to the wind and grant an adoption in the hope that there will be a difference in the life of just one child," Judge Esme Chombo said after the closed-door hearing in Lilongwe. "By removing the very safeguard that is supposed to protect our children, the courts by their pronouncements could actually facilitate trafficking of children by some unscrupulous individuals ... I must have to decline to grant the application to Madonna."

Had the court approved the 50-year-old's request, she would have been expected to return to the US with the girl tomorrow.

Malawi's child welfare minister had backed the singer's latest adoption proposal but, as when she adopted a 13-month-old boy in 2006, critics accused Madonna of using her fame and money to win favourable treatment.

Madonna ‑ who was not in court for today's ruling ‑ has said she followed standard procedures.

"We have close to 2 million orphans in Malawi who need help," the country's women and child welfare development minister, Anna Kachikho, said yesterday. "We can't look after all of them as a country. If people like Madonna adopt even one such orphan, it's one mouth less we have to feed."

The rules requiring that prospective parents be resident in the country for 18 to 24 months enable officials to assess their suitability.

But three years ago, Madonna was allowed to take her adopted son, David, to London before his adoption was finalised, amid much controversy.

It was unclear why Judge Esme Chombo had ruled differently today, although another judge had handled Madonna's previous adoption case.

The singer had promised to make Chifundo a permanent part of her family and spare her the "hardship" of life as an orphan.

"I am able and willing to securely provide for Chifundo James and make her a permanent and established member of my family," she said.

"To deny Chifundo James the opportunity to be adopted by me could expose her to hardship and emotional trauma which is otherwise avoidable."

About two dozen bystanders who had gathered in the gardens of the high court expressed their disappointment at the ruling.

"Madonna is doing a lot for our country," Elton Tewesa, an off-duty police officer, said. "The orphanage that David came from used to be so rough and now it has new buildings, a play area and toys.".

Charles Nyierenda, a supermarket worker, echoed the feelings of many Malawians who argue that the country needs all the adoptive parents it can get. "That child has no parents anyway," he said. "There is a grandmother, that's all. Madonna was going to give her the chance of her life. Now that the judges have turned down the application, she may turn her back on Malawi."

However, opponents of the singer's application reacted with delight and some surprise.

Mavuto Bamusi, chief executive of Malawi's human rights consultative committee, said: "We do not object to Madonna. We are grateful for her work in Malawi. But we were very concerned that, first in the case of David, and now with the second child, a precedent would be set, allowing adoptive parents to escape the requirement of 18 months' residency.

"We are delighted that the courts have upheld the law of the land ‑ weak as it is ‑ and avoided setting an example that would have opened the floodgates for people to come and take children from Malawi."

Chifundo's 18-year-old mother was unmarried and died soon after giving birth, according to the child's uncle, John Ngalande. The child's father is believed to be alive but has little contact with his daughter, he said.

Supporters of the adoption have said it would give Chifundo opportunities she would not receive in Malawi, where 14% of adults are infected with the HIV virus.

But the human rights consultative committee, a coalition of non-governmental organisations, said adoption should be the last resort and that children needed to be looked after by their own family.

"Mercy James is a child who has her extended close family members alive, and we urge Madonna to assist the child from right here," a statement from the coalition, released earlier this week, said.

Save the Children said most children in orphanages had one living parent, or an extended family, who could take care of them. In these cases, international adoption could exacerbate the problem by encouraging poor parents to give up their children in the hope of a better life for them, the charity said in a statement.

Jane Moyo, an ActionAid spokeswoman, said: "We do not doubt Madonna's good intentions. But, if at all possible, a child should remain in their own family and community."

Madonna, who recently split from the British film-maker Guy Ritchie, has two children in addition to David ‑ Lourdes, 12, and eight-year-old Rocco.

Lourdes and David flew to Malawi with her by private jet on Sunday. They visited the village of Chikhota, near Lilongwe, where she is planning to build a school. David also saw his biological father for the first time since he left Malawi.

Friday, 3 April 2009

Feds indict Blagojevich on corruption charges in 19-count indictment

Updated Friday, April 3rd 2009, 8:09 PM

Feds threw a 19-count indictment on corruption charges at former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, accusing him of a 'wide-ranging scheme to deprive the people of Illinois of honest government.'

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and his closest advisers were indicted by a federal grand jury Thursday on a slew of corruption charges, including a conspiracy to sell President Obama's former Senate seat.

Blagojevich, who was impeached and removed from office earlier this year, was charged with 16 felony counts in connection with his role in a "wide-ranging scheme to deprive the people of Illinois of honest government," a statement from the U.S. attorney's office said.

"I'm saddened and hurt, but I am not surprised by the indictment," Blagojevich, who was at Walt Disney World with his family, said in a statement. "I am innocent. I now will fight in the courts to clear my name."

Blagojevich, 52, is accused of lying to the feds and using his gubernatorial powers to pressure a congressman to funnel money to his campaign. He's also charged with attempting to extort a children's hospital, a race track executive and a highway contractor.

The indictment also states Blagojevich discussed trying to trade the seat for an appointment to Obama's cabinet or a highly paid position at a private foundation. Blagojevich also allegedly attempted to get campaign money from potential appointees.

In addition to Blagojevich, the indictment lists Blagojevich's brother Robert, 53, two former top Blagojevich aides and two businessmen as co-defendants.

G20 seals trillion dollar deal

LONDON (Reuters) - World leaders clinched a $1.1 trillion (748 billion pound) deal on Thursday to combat the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and said financial rules would be tightened to stop it happening again.

U.S. President Barack Obama declared it a "turning point" for the world economy, even though he had won no promises for more government spending to combat a deepening world recession.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy celebrated the waning of the Anglo-Saxon model of lightly regulated capitalism, which many blame for excess that have triggered the crisis.

World stocks rallied on bold action that will help finance emerging markets, though economists cautioned against euphoria.

"We have agreed on a series of unprecedented steps to restore growth and prevent a crisis like this from happening again," Obama told a news conference.

"We've also rejected the protectionism that could deepen this crisis."

G20 leaders from the largest developed and emerging economies ticked off a raft of actions on politically sensitive topics -- -- new rules on bonuses, publishing a blacklist of tax havens that could lead to sanctions, imposing oversight on large hedge funds and on credit rating agencies. The tax havens marked a victory for France and Germany.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd hailed the actions. "Today's agreement begins to crack down on the cowboys in financial markets that have brought global markets undone."

Tiba di Surabaya, SBY Hadiri Kampanye Partai Demokrat

Tiba di Surabaya, SBY Hadiri Kampanye Partai Demokrat
Setelah melakukan perjalanan ke London selama 5 hari, Presiden SBY tiba di tanah air. SBY langsung menuju Surabaya untuk menghadiri kampanye Partai Demokrat.

Pesawat Garuda Airbus A 330-341 yang mengangkut Presiden SBY dan rombongan mendarat mulus di Bandara Juanda Surabaya sekitar pukul 11.30 WIB, Jumat (3/4/2009).

Di musim kampanye, Presiden SBY memang selalu cuti di hari Jumat untuk kampanye. Dan kampanye di Surabaya ini akan digelar di Stadion Tambaksari.

Setelah SBY bersama Ibu Ani Yudhoyono beserta rombongan terbatas turun di Bandara Juanda, pesawat Garuda ini langsung terbang menuju Jakarta membawa rombongan lainnya. Di antara rombongan yang terbang ke Jakarta adalah Menneg LH Rachmat Witoelar, Ketua Komisi I DPR Theo Sambuaga, Ketua Kadin MS Hidayat, dan sejumlah staf menteri dan pejabat departemen.

Di bandara Juanda, SBY disambut oleh para pejabat negara. Antara lain Mensesneg Hatta Rajasa, Menko Kesra Aburizal Bakrie, Menteri Pariwisata Jero Wacik, Gubernur Jatim Soekarwo, Pangdam Brawijaya Mayjen Suwarno dan Kapolda Jatim Irjen Pol Anton Bachrul Alam.

SBY akan melakukan kampanye maraton hingga hari Minggu (5/4/2009). Selain di Surabaya, SBY juga akan menghadiri kampanye akbar di Yogyakarta dan Semarang.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Introducing Google Chrome with 3D

ntroducing Google Chrome with 3D

Powered by CADIE

  1. Step 1

    Print your glasses.

  2. Step 2

    Enable 3D browsing.

  3. Step 3

    Watch and enjoy.

How does it work?

Using technology known as stereoscopy, CADIE brings you the web in 3D. Stereoscopy provides the illusion of depth by presenting slightly different images to each eye. You’ll need to use our printable glasses in order to experience the web in 3D.

Why did you create this?

CADIE acknowledged the disconnect between the online world and the real world (one being three dimensional and the other two dimensional). In order to narrow this gap, she created a way to access the web in 3D.

Does it work on all sites?

Yes. We have developed technology that converts any existing web page into anaglyph format in real time.

Does it work for everyone?

The majority of people will be able to view the web in 3D immediately. Certain individuals with accommodative disorders (like Presbyopia) may have trouble viewing pages properly.

Beta User Testimonials

  • “Enabling Chrome’s 3D functionality allowed me to see so much more than I ever thought was possible.”

    Jason T., Student

  • “My architectural renderings pop out like never before (literally). My clients are very pleased, and so am I!”

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  • “Researching the Mayan ruins became much more interesting once I put on my 3D glasses and watched the history come to life.”

    Brett W., Paleontologist

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    Christine T., Physicist

Xeon 3500 dan 5500 untuk Server dan Workstation Resmi Dirilis

– Minggu ini Intel mengumumkan rilis terbaru prosesor Xeon berbasis Nehalem yang ditujukan pada server dan workstation. Seri socket tunggal 3500 dan dual-socket 5500 itu memamerkan kecepatan yang mencapai 3,2GHz.

Xeon 3500 dan 5500 untuk Server dan Workstation Resmi Dirilis

Xeon 3500 dan 5500 untuk Server dan Workstation Resmi Dirilis

Dukungan lain adalah fitur Turbo Boost Intel, teknologi Hyper-Threading dan virtualisasi, plus integrated power gates. CPU quad-core baru ini sudah terpasang di Mac Pro terbaru. Sementara ini baru workstation Dell dan Lenovo terbaru yang datang lengkap dengan prosesor Xeon 5500/3500 tersebut.

ntel menjanjikan lebih dari 230 sistem, di antaranya Cisco, Fujitsu, HP, IBM dan Sun Microsystems, akan segera menggunakan Xeon terbarunya. Namun jika Anda ingin membelinya secara eceran, berikut informasi harganya (per 1.000 unit): 188 dollar AS–1.600 dollar AS untuk Xeon 5500, dan 284 dollar AS–999 dollar AS untuk Xeon 3500.

Manusia Perintah Robot dengan Pikiran

Manusia Perintah Robot dengan Pikiran

Perusahaan terkemuka Jepang, Honda menelurkan inovasi terbarunya dalam teknologi robot. Produsen kendaraan bermotor ini mengembangkan robot yang bisa dikendalikan cukup dengan pikiran manusia.

Seseorang cukup memakai helm khusus yang dapat mengukur aktivitas otak dan mengirimkan sinyal pada sang robot. Selanjutnya bim salabim, robot pun dapat bergerak sesuai apa yang dipikirkan oleh orang tersebut.

Robot yang jadi bahan percobaan adalah versi baru ASIMO, robot populer Honda. ASIMO kini dibekali sistem bernama brain machine interface (BMI) sehingga dapat dikendalikan cukup dengan pikiran.

"Hanya dengan berpikir menggerakkan tangan kanan contohnya, seseorang bisa menggerakkan tangan kanan ASIMO," jelas Tatsuya Okabe, salah satu periset di Honda Research Institute Japan yang dilansir AFP dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (1/4/2009).

Okabe menambahkan bahwa akurasi gerakan robot bakal tergantung dari kemampuan orang berkonsentrasi memikirkan gerakan yang diinginkan. Robot dengan teknologi semacam ini nantinya diharapkan bisa membantu pekerjaan rumah tangga manusia.

Presiden Honda Research Institute mengakui teknologi ini memang masih dalam tahap dasar. Namun pihaknya berharap suatu saat dapat mengkomersialkannya. Sebelumnya juga sudah ada teknologi yang mirip. Hanya saja saat itu bukan manusia yang mengendalikan robot melainkan monyet.

Cari: Heidi Klum Kembali Berpose Bugil

Baru Maret 2009 lalu, pose tanpa busana Heidi Klum terpampang di sampul sebuah majalah pria edisi Jerman. Belum juga satu bulan berselang, Heidi sudah kembali berbugil ria. Kali ini untuk seorang fotografer asal Australia.

Heidi menanggalkan seluruh busananya untuk buku fotografi Russell James. Russell adalah salah satu fotografer fashion dan selebritis paling ternama di dunia.

Perkenalan Russell dengan Heidi dimulai lewat Victoria's Secret. Sudah bukan rahasia lagi kalau istri penyanyi Seal tersebut adalah salah satu model pakaian dalam tersebut. Sedangkan Russell, fotografer untuk Victoria's Secret.

Detikhot kutip dari Egotastic, Rabu (1/4/2009), ada tujuh foto yang menampilkan tubuh bugil model 35 tahun itu. Semua foto Heidi tersebut diambil di sebuah pantai.

Semua pose Heidi tersebut bisa dinikmati di buku Russell. Selain Heidi masih ada sederet perempuan cantik lainnya yang berpose tak kalah sensualnya.

Gerindra Sambut Gembira Tawaran Koalisi PDIP

Ketua Umum DPP PDIP Megawati Sukarnoputri mengatakan pihaknya membuka peluang untuk bergabungnya Partai Gerindra dalam koalisi yang sedang dijajakinya. Gerindra pun menyambut baik tawaran Mega tersebut.

"Gerindra akan melakukan koalisi, karena koalisi suatu keniscayaan untuk memmbangun perintahan yang kuat dan stabil. Ajakan untuk koalisi? Gerindra menyambutnya dengan senang hati," ujar Sekjen Partai Gerindra, Ahmad Mujani ketika berbincang dengan detikcom, Rabu (1/4/2009) malam.

Menurut pria yang akrab dipanggil Mujani, ini pembicaraan antara Gerindra dengan PDIP sudah lama dibangun. Namun untuk saat ini ada dua permasalahan yang membuat pembicaraan tersebut masih belum mendapatkan titik terang.

"Pertama mandat dalam Rapimnas Gerindra kepada Pak Prabowo sebagai capres. Kedua masalah perolehan kursi pada 9 April nanti. Kita masih menunggu itu," terang Muzani.

Muzani menambahkan, usai pemilu legislatif maka baru dapat diketahui sikap Gerindra atas tawaran koalisi.

"Pertanyaannya siapa yang akan memimpin koalisi. Tunggu, karena 9 April sebentar lagi," pungkasnya.

Dessy Fitriandi,Max Moein Secetary....

I've been raped by that bastard !!

Max_MoeinHe should gave me more money!

Max Moein - Video Scandal

Max Moein Scandal photo is now like a snow ball, moving wildly anywhere. Dessy Fitriandi was his secretary and she make an devotion about the raping episode of Max Moein. Pls don't chose this bastard !

The Cut Tari Orgasm...

Cut Tari, the Aceh bitch, been annoying us with her explicit pose below....

these boobs are for everyone! Be prepared !

cut_tarijoin me to joy of sex!

cut_tariGuess Am I wearing underwear or not ?

Julia Perez Hot Bath !

Julia_PerezEven a Pocong wants to peep Julia Perez !!

Julia_PerezC'mon in!

If not now,when ?! Sluurrps...!

Jadwal Kampanye Pemilu 2009 DKI Jaya


Senin, 16 Maret: Kampanye damai
Selasa, 17 Maret: PKPB, PPPI, Partai Republikan, Partai Golkar
Rabu, 18 Maret: PPRN, PIB, Partai Pelopor, PPP
Kamis, 19 Maret: Partai Barnas, PKPI, PDS, PNBKI
Jumat, 20 Maret: PKS, Partai kedaulatan, PP, PD
Sabtu, 21 Maret: Gerindra, PAN, PBR, PKNU
Minggu, 22 Maret: PKB, PNI Marjaenis, PKDI
Senin, 23 Maret: PPD, PPI, PBB, PIS
Selasa, 24 Maret: PDP, PKP, PDI-P
Rabu, 25 Maret: PMB, PPDI
Kamis, 26 Maret: Hanura, PD, PIS
Jumat, 27 Maret: PKPB, PPDK, Republikan
Sabtu, 28 Maret: PPPI, PPRN, Partai Pelopor, Golkar
Minggu, 29 Maret: Partai Barnas, PIB, PPP, PDS
Senin, 30 Maret: PKPI, PKS, PNI Marhaenis, PNBKI
Selasa, 31 Maret: Gerindra, PAN, PBR, PD
Rabu, 1 April: Partai Kedaulatan, PPD, PP
Kamis, 2 April: PKB, PPI, PBB, PKDI
Jumat, 3 April: PDP
Sabtu, 4 April: PKP, PMB PDI-P
Minggu, 5 April: Hanura, PPDI, PPDK (kem)

Gaya Foto Gadis Indonesia

Sensual style....

Gaya_Foto_Gadis_IndonesiaThe drunken bitch style....

Gaya_Foto_Gadis_IndonesiaThe arrogant style....

Gaya_Foto_Gadis_IndonesiaThe gennie in the bottle style....

Gaya Gadis Indonesia

April Fools April 1, 2009

April Fools’ is always a tricky day. If you’re going to pull a prank, you have to decide how far you’re willing to go and at what expense to personal and professional relationships. There are cute ones like this GMAIL Autopilot. They give a chuckle and are well crafted, but in the end are totally unbelievable (like this kid quitting Twitter).

Then there are the mean spirited ones where the pranksters are committed and take the Daniel Day-Lewis method acting approach to selling their hoax. I’m talking about the pregnancy scare and death in the family type April Fools’ jokes. These unavoidably end in tattered friendships or real-life pregnancy scares (Just to spite the partner for April Fools’ing him with a fake scare, he then pokes holes in a condom package. Minutes after copulating he realizes that the prank he just pulled will cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars in child support. Panicking and despondent, he calls a local suicide call center.

The operator decides to answer as if he is a pizza delivery chain. He does, but before he can exclaim April Fools’ and talk down his now pizza craving caller out of ending his life, the caller hangs up and heads to the local gun store. Still bitter over the Brady Bill, the gun shop salesmen decides to sell the suicidal, soon to be father a gun with a box of blanks.

Little does he know that his co-worker switched the blanks with real bullets, assuming he would catch the mistake when doing inventory. Little does the salesman’s co-worker know that the salesman is lazy and never checks inventory. Little does the salesman know that even though the blanks are real bullets, the gun doesn’t work properly.

It is something he would know if he checked inventory. Little does the boyfriend know that he actually slept with his girlfriend’s twin sister (the girlfriend decided to pull an April Fools’ twofer by faking a pregnancy scare and getting her twin sister to copulate with her boyfriend), who is already pregnant. All’s well that ends well).

If I were to pull an April Fools’ joke, I’d convince a girl to get my name tattooed on her body. I’d sell it by telling her I’d get her named tattooed on my body. However, before doing this I would’ve paid off the tattoo parlor, so when we went in she’d be getting a real tattoo while I’d be having a temporary tattoo inked on me. I don’t think there’s really any legal precedence for this type of deception, so I’m pretty sure she couldn’t sue me or anything.

It would definitely be a win-win for me. If she didn’t really love me, she’d show that by not getting the tattoo. If she did love me she’d get the tattoo, and I’d feel even stronger about her. However, I’d still have the option of letting her go later on down the road without having to live with regretfully inking her name onto my body.

I’d just keep getting the temporary tattoo re-done until I was 100% positive she was the one. That way, if she dumps me, I still win because then I can show her that my tattoo is fake, so only one of us would be spending thousands of dollars on tattoo removal procedures.

It is a much more well crafted prank than a fake pregnancy scare, in my opinion, although it would still probably end with a trip to the gun store (this time she’d be the one buying the gun and real bullets though, and it would have nothing to do with being suicidal).

gmail Auto-pilot


Spam filters work to some degree, but you still get those offers from Nigerian princes at least once a day and sometimes just hitting "mark as junk" doesn't quite cut it. You want revenge, you want to wreak some havoc. But who has time? Now, with Gmail Auto-Pilot powered by CADIE (Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity), you can send a nasty, passive-aggressive, snide reply without any effort. Auto-Pilot uses advanced natural language synthesis to mimic your own writing style, complete with tone, grammar and spelling mistakes to compose a reply based on filters you set up.

Have an annoying friend who persists in contacting you despite you ignoring them? Are you avoiding a break-up with someone too depressed to handle it at the moment? With advanced CADIE analysis, Auto-Pilot determines when it's time to let them know the truth and without any input from you, Auto-Pilot will compose the email which will end the heartache for them, and more importantly for you.

Stop complaining about your email inbox overflowing- and let the new Auto-Pilot take over. The more Auto-Pilot analyzes your writing style, the more transparently it can become you. Eventually, you may not need to check your email again- EVER.

salvia plant divinorum

salvia plant divinorum , what is this ??
nah ini mengenai pohon salvia, katanya effeknya bisa gini gitu kita.
nih diambil dari wikipedia mengenai salvia plant or pohon salvia divinorum.


Salvia divinorum is native to certain areas of the Sierra Mazateca in Oaxaca, Mexico, where it is still used by the Mazatec. While it is primarily taken to facilitate shamanic visions in the context of curing or divination, it is also used remedially at lower dosages. For example, it is prescribed as a diuretic and to treat ailments including diarrhea, anemia, headaches, rheumatism, and a semi-magical disease known as panzón de borrego, or a swollen belly (literally, “lamb belly”).[9][11] Salvia divinorum was first recorded in print by Jean Basset Johnson in 1939 while he was studying Mazatec shamanism.[12] He later documented its usage and reported its effects through personal testimonials.[13] It was not until the 1990s that the psychoactive mechanism was identified by a team led by Daniel Siebert.[14]

The history of the plant is not well known, but there are three possibilities as to its origin. Since it is found in one small area and only one indigenous group uses it, it is either native to this area, is a cultigen of the Mazatecs, or is a cultigen of another indigenous group.[6]

Flowering Salvia divinorum

Gordon Wasson tentatively postulated that the plant could be the mythological pipiltzintzintli, the “Noble Prince” of the Aztec codices.[15][3] Wasson’s speculation has been the subject of further debate amongst ethnobotanists, with some scepticism coming from Leander J. Valdés,[16] and counterpoints more supportive of Wasson’s theory from Jonathan Ott.[17]

The identity of another mysterious Aztec entheogen, namely that of poyomatli, has also been suggested as being Salvia divinorum.[18] Here too there are other candidate plants, notably Cacahuaxochitl (Quararibea funebris),[19] again suggesting that there is no overall consensus.

Salvia divinorum has become both increasingly well-known and available in modern culture. The rise of the Internet since the 1990s has allowed for the growth of many businesses selling live salvia plants, dried leaves, extracts, and other preparations. Medical experts as well as accident and emergency rooms have not been reporting cases that suggest particular salvia-related health concerns, and police have not been reporting it as a significant issue with regard to public order offences. Despite this, Salvia divinorum has attracted heightened negative attention lately from the media and some lawmakers.

Media stories generally raise alarms over salvia’s legal status in some places and are sometimes headlined with scientifically ill-founded comparisons to LSD or other psychoactive substances. Parental concerns are raised by focusing on salvia’s usage by younger teens—the emergence of YouTube videos purporting to depict its use being an area of particular concern in this respect. The isolated and controversial case of Brett Chidester, a 17-year-old Delaware student who purchased salvia some four months prior to committing suicide in January 2006, has received continued media attention. Salvia divinorum remains legal in most countries and, within the United States, is legal in the majority of states. However, some have called for its prohibition. Most proposed bills have not been made into law, with motions having been voted down in committee, failed, died, or otherwise stalled. There exist more recent bills that are currently still in the early proposal stage, however. Thus far, there have not been many publicised prosecutions of individuals violating anti-salvia laws in the few countries and states in which it has been made illegal.[nb 1]


Salvia divinorum has large green leaves, hollow square stems, and white flowers with purple calyces. The plant grows to well over a meter in height.[1] Unlike other species of salvia, Salvia divinorum produces few seeds, and those that do appear seldom germinate. For an unknown reason, pollen fertility is also comparatively reduced. There is no active pollen tube inhibition within the style, but some event or process after the pollen tube reaches the ovary is aberrant.[23]

Partial sterility is often suggestive of a hybrid origin, although no species have been recognized as possible parent species. The ability to grow indistinguishable plants from seeds produced through self-pollination also weakens the hybrid theory of origin, instead implying inbreeding depression or an undiscovered incompatibility mechanism. Salvia divinorum is mainly propagated by cuttings or layering. Although isolated strands of Salvia divinorum exist, these are thought to have been purposely created and tended to by the Mazatec people. For this reason, it is considered to be a true cultigen, not occurring in a wild state.[7]


Salvinorin A

The known active constituent of Salvia divinorum is a trans-neoclerodane diterpenoid known as Salvinorin A (chemical formula C23H28O8).[24] This compound is present in the dried plant at about 0.2%.[25] Unlike other known opioid receptor ligands, salvinorin A is not an alkaloid, as it does not contain a basic nitrogen atom.[26]

When considered by mass alone, salvinorin A is the most potent naturally occurring psychoactive compound known.[27] It is active at doses as low as 200 µg.[14][24][27] Research has shown that salvinorin A is a potent and selective κ-Opioid (kappa-Opioid) receptor agonist.[28][24] It has been reported that the effects of salvinorin A in mice are blocked by κ-Opioid receptor antagonists.[29] This makes it unlikely that another mechanism contributes independently to the compound’s effects. Salvinorin A is unique in that it is the only naturally occurring substance known to induce a visionary state via this mode of action. Salvinorin A has no actions at the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor, the principal molecular target responsible for the actions of ‘classic’ hallucinogens, such as mescaline and LSD.[29]

Salvinorin’s potency should not be confused with toxicity. Rodents chronically exposed to dosages many times greater than those to which humans are exposed did not show signs of organ damage.[30]

Many other terpenoids have been isolated from Salvia divinorum, including other salvinorins and related compounds named divinatorins and salvinicins. None of these compounds has shown significant (sub-micromolar) affinity at the κ-Opioid receptor, and there is no evidence that they contribute to the plant’s psychoactivity.[31][32]


Traditional methods

Mazatec shamans crush the leaves to extract leaf juices from about 20 (about 50g) to 80 (about 200g) or more fresh leaves. They usually mix these juices with water to create an infusion or ‘tea’ which they drink to induce visions in ritual healing ceremonies.[11]

Modern methods

About half a gram of a 25x Salvia divinorum extract.

Salvia divinorum is becoming more widely known and used in modern culture. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an annual US based survey sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), for 2006 estimated that about 1.8 million persons aged 12 or older had used Salvia divinorum in their lifetime, of which approximately 750,000 had done so in that year.[33] Modern methods of ingestion include smoking or chewing the leaf, or using a tincture, as described in the following sections.


A bowl of salvia divinorum.

Dry leaves can be smoked in a pipe, but most users prefer the use of a water pipe to cool the smoke.[34] The temperature required to release salvinorin from the plant material is quite high (about 240°C). A regular flame will work, but the direct application of something more intense, such as the flame produced from a butane torch lighter, is often preferred.[34]

Many people find that untreated dried salvia leaf produces unnoticeable or only light effects. More concentrated preparations or extracts, which may be smoked instead of natural strength leaves, have become widely available. The enhanced leaf is often described by a number followed by an x (such as “5x,” “10x,” etc). The multiplication factors are generally indicative of the relative amounts of leaf used in preparation. The numbers therefore may also be roughly indicative of the relative concentration of the active principle salvinorin A, but the measure should not be taken as absolute. Potency will depend on the naturally varying strength of the untreated leaf used in preparing the extract, as well as the efficiency of the extraction process itself. Extracts reduce the overall amount of smoke that needs to be inhaled, thus facilitating more powerful experiences.[35]


The method of chewing the leaves may also be employed. However, salvinorin A is generally considered to be inactive when orally ingested, as the chemical is effectively deactivated by the gastrointestinal system.[36] Therefore, the ‘quid’ of leaves is held in the mouth as long as possible in order to facilitate absorption of the active constituents through the oral mucosa. Chewing consumes more of the plant than smoking, and produces a longer-lasting experience.

Using a tincture

Less commonly, some may ingest salvia in the form of a tincture. This is administered sublingually, usually with the aid of a glass dropper. It may be taken diluted with water just before use, which may slightly reduce the intensity of its effects, but can also serve to lessen or avoid a stinging sensation in the mouth caused by the presence of alcohol. Tinctures vary in potency, and the effects can range from inducing a mild meditative state to bringing about a more intense visionary one.[37]

Duration of effect

If salvia is smoked the main effects are experienced quickly. The most intense ‘peak’ is reached within a minute or so and lasts for about 1-5 minutes, followed by a gradual tapering back. At 5-10 minutes, less intense yet still noticeable effects typically persist, but giving way to a returning sense of the everyday and familiar until back to recognizable baseline after about 15 to 20 minutes.[38]

Chewing the leaf makes the effects come on more slowly, over a period of 10 to 20 minutes, the experience then lasting from another 30 minutes up to one and a half hours.[38]

When taken as a tincture the effects and duration are similar to other methods of oral ingestion, though may be significantly more intense, depending on the potency of the extract.[37]

Immediate effects

Psychedelic experiences are necessarily somewhat subjective and variations in reported effects are to be expected. Aside from individual reported experiences there has been a limited amount of published work summarising the effects. D.M. Turner’s book “Salvinorin—The Psychedelic Essence of Salvia Divinorum” quotes Daniel Siebert’s summarisation, mentioning that the effects may include:[39]

An example of salvia-inspired visionary art
  • Uncontrollable laughter
  • Past memories, such as revisiting places from childhood memory
  • Sensations of motion, or being pulled or twisted by forces
  • Visions of membranes, films and various two-dimensional surfaces
  • Merging with or becoming objects
  • Overlapping realities, such as the perception of being in several locations at once

A survey of salvia users found that 38% described the effects as unique. 23% said the effects were like yoga, meditation or trance.[40]

Media reporters rarely venture to take salvia themselves, but one firsthand journalistic account has been published in the UK science magazine New Scientist:

the salvia took me on a consciousness-expanding journey unlike any other I have ever experienced. My body felt disconnected from ‘me’ and objects and people appeared cartoonish, surreal and marvellous. Then, as suddenly as it had began, it was over. The visions vanished and I was back in my bedroom. I spoke to my ‘sitter’—the friend who was watching over me, as recommended on the packaging—but my mouth was awkward and clumsy. When I attempted to stand my coordination was off. Within a couple of minutes, however, I was fine and clear-headed, though dripping with sweat. The whole experience had lasted less than 5 minutes.

Gaia 2006-09-29 (UK Media)